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Blogposts, Information I post & share in- and on pages; and Posts; and/or on Social Media

What I post on my Blog, on pages on this website, and/or on social media is entirely my own views and where I share content, it is content that I create from resources deemed reliable, credible publications, gvt statistical services, international organization(s) (like the World Bank, IMF, IFC, Central Banks and millions similar).  When I share others’ posts and/or content I do not accept responsibility of whatever nature for their accuracy and factual correctness. That responsibility defaults to the original poster(s) and/or creator(s) of it. My posts and/or comments on  a post(s) are my own views, expressions, and/or comments, subject to service provider terms and conditions, and pursuant to the freedom of expression granted to people, citizens, and residents in general under the Canadian Constitution and The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms


All emails, their contents, and attachment(s) that I send are private and confidential, for the sole use of the applicable addressee(s) only and not for on-sharing without my prior explicit written permission. If you are not an intended recipient, copying, forwarding, and/or other distribution, in any form, of any email; or its contents and/or attachment(s), by any means, is prohibited. If you believe that you received an email in error, please notify the original sender and delete the communication in question and any copies there of, contents, and attachment(s) immediately.

Current, Sourced- and Forward-Looking Information

Sharing of Forward-looking information:


I share analytics, comments, and graphs on Social Media that may include forward-looking information that reflects on making assumptions about information known today. Statements that are forward-looking are based on certain assumptions and on what I know and expect today and generally include words like “anticipate”, “expect”, “believe”, “may”, “will”, “should”, “estimate”, “predict”, “outlook” or other similar words. Forward-looking statements include information about the following, among other things:

      • financial and operational expected performance;
      • expectations about strategic thinking, leadership, policy and goals for growth, development, and expansion;
      • expectations about financing, funding, and the raising of capital;
      • expected cash flows and future financing options available;
      • expected dividend growth, where so mentioned and applicable;
      • expected future credit ratings, where so mentioned and applicable;
      • expected costs;
      • expected capital expenditures and contractual obligations;
      • expected regulatory processes and outcomes, where applicable;
      • expected outcomes with respect to legal proceedings, including arbitration and insurance claims, where applicable;
      • the expected impact of future accounting changes, commitments, and contingent liabilities, where applicable;
      • A forward-looking analysis of the impact of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions;
      • Implications of government policies;
      • Implications of government budget and economic update statements;
      • Implication of taxation policy, legislation, regulations and changes thereto;
      • Implication stemming from Climate Change policy, regulations, executive orders, bills; and
      • expected industry, market, country, and other economic conditions.

Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance. Actual events and results could be significantly different because of assumptions, risks or uncertainties related to events that happen after the date of such document(s).

My analysis and forward-looking information are based on key assumptions, and subject to risks, different interpretation(s), geopolitical developments, and uncertainties:


Assumptions include but are not limited to only those listed herein. Assumptions include:

      • regulatory decisions and outcomes;
      • government policy and changes to government policy;
      • provincial- and federal Government support for- or cancellation of developments;
      • integrity and reliability of historic data, analysis, and assumptions supporting historic data;
      • performance and access to capital markets;
      • expected industry, market, and economic conditions;
      • inflation rates, exchange rates, and commodity prices;
      • interest and taxation;
      • market-derived pricing for debt and equity that include assumptions about credit risks credit spreads and factors impacting valuations; and
      • nature and scope of hedging.

Risks and uncertainties

Risks include but are not limited to only those listed herein. Risks may include:

      • my ability to successfully implement strategic priorities and whether they will yield the expected benefits;
      • my ability to implement a capital allocation strategy aligned with maximizing shareholder value;
      • costs for labor, equipment materials, capital, bank loans, and credit in general;
      • the availability and market prices of commodities;
      • access to capital markets on competitive terms;
      • interest, tax, and foreign exchange rates;
      • performance- and credit risk attached to data quality;
      • regulatory decisions and outcomes of legal proceedings, including arbitration and insurance claims;
      • changes in environmental- and other laws and regulations;
      • competition in industry, markets, and sectors;
      • unexpected or unusual weather;
      • acts of civil disobedience and protests negatively impacting information, decisions, and performance;
      • cybersecurity and technological developments;
      • terrorism and all security threats;
      • economic conditions globally;
      • my ability to effectively anticipate and assess changes to government policies and regulations; and
      • my ability to effectively respond to material changes in the external environment.

As actual results could vary significantly from historic data sets, assumptions at the time, and forward-looking information, you should not put undue reliance on data analysis, assumptions that I make and forward-looking information and should not use future-oriented information or financial outlooks for anything other than their intended purpose(s). I may not update analytics from historic data sets on a regular basis nor update information driving forward-looking statements and information due to new information or future events unless I am required to do so, by law.

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