Who am I

Eugene Van Den Berg - Ahead by a Century
Reading Time: < 1 minute

“A different perspective on quandary solutions” differentiates me from mainstream finance executives, corporate controllers, financial controllers, finance- & change solution providers and consultants. I am comfortable in my own skin. Continue reading “Who am I”

Why Partner with Me

Eugene Van Den Berg - Ahead by a Century
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Who I am, What I do, and How I do it accumulates into a single phrase, “I Deliver!”, "What I say I will do, I do", that is how I engage and bring my "A-game" for your benefit.

My experienceportfolio and what I do, are all testimony to the benefits I bring to your business in creating true value-for-money, achieving measurable results and improving the level of performance. Please visit “What Other Say” about my performance and ability to deliver. Call me today to discuss your Funding requirements, Funder- & Investor Relations strategy, your Financial- & Working Capital Management requirements, Strategic Planning, Corporate-, Project - and Financing requirements.

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