Eugene van Den Berg
Oct, 2022
The role that a lack of-, or weak productivity plays in the inflation-, Central Bank- and Money Supply equation is being ignored, and hugely under-valued.
We find ourselves in an era of slack productivity. Reduced productivity combined with the Covid-19 government funded programs have become a toxic mix that adds to the current economic environment of high inflation amid (in order of driver):
- Weak climate change policy reducing investment in oil and gas since 2015;
- Rise in commodity prices since April 2020 amid aggressive growth in demand for commodities required to produce RE component parts (lithium for batteries) against a shortage of critical minerals (or under developed critical minerals mining cited by the International Energy Agency in 2021 research papers);
- Rise in oil prices driven by the aforementioned points amid large imbalances between oil demand and real oil supply.
- Sharp rise in inflation and money supply (which Central Banks deny, yet numbers don’t lie) stemming from the rise in oil & natural gas prices, and money printing by federal governments, all stemming from aforementioned;
Without productivity gains, the economic challenges quickly compound into more chaos down the road.